| Cows and Global Warming (Skeptoid #973) - Just as important as the question of how much the livestock industry contributes to global warming is whether your giving up meat will have any real impact. January 28, 2025 |
 | Agent Orange on Trial (Skeptoid #972) - The newer the data, and the longer we've had to study the epidemiology, the less harm we find that Agent Orange caused. January 21, 2025 |
 | Cloud Seeding (Skeptoid #971) - Cloud seeding would seem like an easy and obvious way to create rain where none existed before. Is it really that simple? January 14, 2025 |
 | Economic Nationalism: Bounty or Bust? (Skeptoid #970) - Economic nationalism, while attractive to many populists, is not the path to economic success some believe it to be. January 7, 2025 |
 | Waldorf Schools (Skeptoid #968) - These schools combine an atypical education with a New Age spirituality called anthroposophy. December 24, 2024 |
 | Cryonics: A Chilling Prospect (Skeptoid #967) - Cryonics promises an opportunity for you to be frozen and revived at some distant point in the future — though with plenty of controversy. December 17, 2024 |
 | Bats and Rabies (Skeptoid #962) - Bats are scary and rabies is deadly, but do you need to worry about you or your pets catching the disease from them? November 12, 2024 |
 | Click Clack Bark: Dogs Who Type (Skeptoid #957) - Can dogs be taught to speak intelligently using floor buttons that represent words? October 8, 2024 |
 | 15 Sleep Myths (Skeptoid #954) - 15 popular myths about sleeping, debunked. September 17, 2024 |
 | How Your Driving Is Being Tracked (Skeptoid #947) - Is your phone really tracking your driving habits and selling the data? Maybe more so than you know. July 30, 2024 |
 | Strange but True Stories from Space (Skeptoid #946) - The weirdest, creepiest, funniest, and just plain strange stories from the era of crewed space flight. July 23, 2024 |
 | The Aliens Are Not Coming (Skeptoid #943) - Fear not; the aliens are not coming to Earth. July 2, 2024 |
 | What the Movies Always Get Wrong (Skeptoid #942) - A roundup of all those things that movies always get wrong and make you mad. June 25, 2024 |
 | Coffee Myths (Skeptoid #936) - A roundup of 15 common myths about coffee. Which ones had you always believed? May 14, 2024 |
 | Is Recycling for Real? (Skeptoid #932) - A close look at where recycling of some common materials is actually at these days. April 16, 2024 |
 | EMDR: Looking Past the Pain (Skeptoid #928) - This controversial treatment for PTSD involves moving the eyes side to side. March 19, 2024 |
 | I Can't Believe They Did That: Human Guinea Pigs #3 (Skeptoid #927) - Part 3 in our roundup of scientists who took the ultimate plunge and experimented on themselves. March 12, 2024 |
 | Testing Alcubierre's Warp Drive (Skeptoid #922) - Proponents of alien visitation often claim the Alcubierre drive makes faster than light travel possible. Here's why it can't exist. February 6, 2024 |
 | Stopping Hiccups with Science (Skeptoid #914) - Does science have a way to reliably cure the hiccups? December 12, 2023 |
 | The Mystery of the Severed Feet (Skeptoid #901) - Severed feet have been washing up on the shores of the Salish Sea since 2007. What could be the cause? September 12, 2023 |
 | The Secret of the Norden Bombsight (Skeptoid #897) - Pop culture tells us the famous Norden bombsight from World War II was actually terribly inaccurate. Was it? August 15, 2023 |
 | The Hottest Temperature on Earth (Skeptoid #895) - Is the world record highest air temperature a solid measurement, or might it be invalid? August 1, 2023 |
 | Finding the Lost Tribesmen: Aure and Aura (Skeptoid #893) - Were these two men from an Amazon tribe that had been massacred, or could their story be explained more simply? July 18, 2023 |
 | Lies, Damned Lies, and Polls (Skeptoid #883) - Watch out next time you take a poll... is someone trying to learn about you, or manipulate you? May 9, 2023 |
 | Reining In the Expanding Earth (Skeptoid #878) - Although the Expanding Earth may seem like a silly conjecture, it was actually one of the leading geophysical models quite recently. April 4, 2023 |
 | Earthquake Prediction (Skeptoid #873) - After every earthquake, there's always someone who claims to have predicted it. Is earthquake prediction possible? February 28, 2023 |
 | Climate Change Checkup: 2023 Edition (Skeptoid #872) - The state of the climate so far... how we're doing, and what do we need to work on the most. February 21, 2023 |
 | The Dirty Secret of Dirty Electricity (Skeptoid #870) - Is there such a thing as a type of electricity running through your home's wiring that delivers horrific health impacts to anyone living there? February 7, 2023 |
 | The Most Harmful Anti-Experts: 2023 Edition (Skeptoid #868) - Once again we round up the people working hardest to spread misinformation. January 24, 2023 |
 | What THEY Don't Want You to Know About UFOs (Skeptoid #866) - Some great ways to think about all the current UFO craze. January 10, 2023 |
 | Human Mosquito Magnets (Skeptoid #862) - Is it true that mosquitoes like some people better than others? December 13, 2022 |
 | Illuminating the Hornet Spooklight (Skeptoid #860) - Legend has it this ghost light has been spooking people in Missouri for hundreds of years. November 29, 2022 |
 | On the Health Benefits of Drinking Alcohol (Skeptoid #857) - Some say that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol actually has certain health benefits. November 8, 2022 |
 | Sniffing for Human Sex Pheromones (Skeptoid #855) - Do humans use pheromones to turn each other on? The science so far says... uhh, we have no idea. October 25, 2022 |
 | The Day Science Was Overthrown (Skeptoid #854) - A look at six times when there was a major paradigm shift in science. October 18, 2022 |
 | Electric Cars and the Power Grid (Skeptoid #852) - Opponents of electric cars claim that the power grid can't keep up with the growing demand for electricity. October 4, 2022 |
 | Seeking the Soviet Battle Mole (Skeptoid #845) - The story goes that the Soviet Union had nuclear-powered underground vehicles for waging a whole new kind of war. August 16, 2022 |
 | What They're Saying About Electric Cars Now (Skeptoid #844) - The arguments made by electric car haters no longer hold up. Time to upgrade August 9, 2022 |
 | Decoding the Carolina Bays (Skeptoid #839) - Some say these oval depressions all along the US east coast are craters from an ancient meteor bombardment. July 5, 2022 |
 | Falling Fish Followup (Skeptoid #837) - Some feedback and followups to a raft of previous Skeptoid episodes. June 21, 2022 |
 | The Secrets of the Integratron (Skeptoid #833) - This white dome in the California desert may house the secrets of the universe, or nothing more than delusions. May 24, 2022 |
 | What Greek Fire Really Was (Skeptoid #832) - This ancient weapon of terror struck fear throughout the ancient world, and stokes a number of mysteries today. May 17, 2022 |
 | What ASMR Will Do for You (Skeptoid #829) - What is the state of the science behind this online video genre that combines relaxation with chills and shivers? April 26, 2022 |
 | Why You Don't Want a Flat-Faced Pet (Skeptoid #828) - The science shows that dogs and cats bred to be flat-faced suffer from respiratory distress, but some argue otherwise. April 19, 2022 |
 | Hunting the Elusive Rogue Wave (Skeptoid #823) - Modern authors say that scientists didn't used to accept the idea of rogue waves. Is that true? March 15, 2022 |
 | On Washboarded Roads (Skeptoid #822) - The real cause of washboarding on dirt roads is very different from the traditionally believed reason. March 8, 2022 |
 | Forensic (Pseudo) Science (Skeptoid #821) - All those fancy-sounding forensic sciences you've come to trust might not be worth very much of your trust after all. March 1, 2022 |
 | Why You Need to Care About Concrete (Skeptoid #813) - Concrete will remain one of our most important materials for decades — but there's a big problem with it. January 4, 2022 |
 | 20 Years of Data from Portugal: Drug Decriminalization (Skeptoid #812) - 20 years ago, Portugal decriminalized all drugs in an effort to reduce addiction, incarceration, and negative health impacts. How has it worked? December 28, 2021 |
 | Frida Sofia, the Victim Who Wasn't (Skeptoid #810) - After the 2017 earthquake in Mexico City, rescuers dug through the rubble for a little girl named Frida Sofia — who never existed. December 14, 2021 |
 | What Really Happened at Tunguska (Skeptoid #803) - The true cause of one of history's most violent cataclysms remains a mystery... to a degree. October 26, 2021 |
 | Pop Quiz: 15 for 15 (Skeptoid #802) - It's 15 trivia questions from 15 Skeptoid episodes, to celebrate our 15th anniversary! October 19, 2021 |
 | Why You Need to Care About Methane (Skeptoid #797) - We focus a lot on carbon dioxide when talking about climate change. Should we be talking more about methane? September 14, 2021 |
 | Is the Existence of Billionaires Inherently Harmful? (Skeptoid #790) - Pop culture tells us that the existence of billionaires is harmful to the economy. Is that so? July 27, 2021 |
 | Desalination vs. A National Water Grid (Skeptoid #785) - A comparison of two popular ways to help cope with the new water reality of global warming. June 22, 2021 |
 | Head Transplants (Skeptoid #784) - The facts and fiction of what's possible and what's already been tried in switching human heads. June 15, 2021 |
 | Space Junk: The Real Risk and What to Do About It (Skeptoid #781) - The problem of a runaway catastrophe in Low Earth Orbit looms ever larger and closer. May 25, 2021 |
 | Bitcoin Fact and Fiction (Skeptoid #774) - What's true and what's not about the world's most popular cryptocurrency. April 6, 2021 |
 | Top 10 Pro-Science Fictional Characters (Skeptoid #773) - A roundup of all the best pro-science characters from your favorite books, movies, and TV shows. March 30, 2021 |
 | The Year's Best of Skeptoid (Skeptoid #767) - My personal favorite Skeptoid episodes from each and every year of its production. February 16, 2021 |
 | Learning Styles, Re-examined (Skeptoid #764) - Most teachers believe that students have different learning styles and curricula can be tailored to it. Not so much. January 26, 2021 |
 | Havana Syndrome, Microwaves, and Hearing RF (Skeptoid #761) - The lone exception to the science fact that radio cannot hurt you. January 5, 2021 |
 | Percy Schmeiser vs Monsanto (Skeptoid #759) - The most famous case in the history of Monsanto vs. small farmers might not be what you think. December 22, 2020 |
 | About That Life on Mars... (Skeptoid #754) - Good scientists can get the wrong idea, but they don't need to make it worse by announcing bad science. November 17, 2020 |
 | Observing the Bystander Effect (Skeptoid #749) - Some research has found that crowds are apathetic and don't render assistance; some has found the opposite. October 13, 2020 |
 | Who Sank the Maine? (Skeptoid #748) - Many theories surround the mysterious sinking of the USS Maine that triggered the Spanish-American War. October 6, 2020 |
 | Phineas Gage, on Second Thought (Skeptoid #744) - A reexamination of the famous case of the man whose personality changed from a grievous brain injury. September 8, 2020 |
 | The Wisdom and Stupidity of Crowds (Skeptoid #741) - How the wisdom of crowds can sometimes allow groups of non-experts to reach an expert conclusion. August 18, 2020 |
 | Learning Languages from Brain Injuries (Skeptoid #716) - Popular stories on the Internet tell of people coming out of comas and suddenly speaking a new language. February 25, 2020 |
 | The Trashy Secret of Plastic Bag Bans (Skeptoid #711) - Science decides the question of whether plastic bag bans help or hurt the environment. January 21, 2020 |
 | All About Sex Addiction (Skeptoid #708) - The topic of sex addiction and what to do about it turns out to be more complicated than you may think. December 31, 2019 |
 | Your Weirdest Thing, Vol. 3 (Skeptoid #703) - I give my thoughts trying to solve some of your weirdest experiences. November 26, 2019 |
 | Seneca Guns and Skyquakes (Skeptoid #701) - These mysterious cannon-like booms are heard all around the world, with no apparent source. November 12, 2019 |
 | Radon in Your Basement (Skeptoid #698) - Is this gas a risk you should worry about, or is it just another homeowner scam? October 22, 2019 |
 | Reactionless Space Drives (Skeptoid #697) - Conspiracy theorists and alternate science believers continue to claim triumph over the laws of nature. October 15, 2019 |
 | Fighting Global Warming with Economics (Skeptoid #695) - There's always been an easy solution to global warming on the table, and it won't hurt the economy. October 1, 2019 |
 | Video Games and Violence (Skeptoid #690) - Data does not support the popular belief that video games promote violent behavior. August 27, 2019 |
 | No, Electric Cars Don't Pollute More (Skeptoid #687) - Popularly shared articles claim electric cars produce more greenhouses gases than internal combustion cars. August 6, 2019 |
 | Prehistoric Supersonic Monster Tides (Skeptoid #683) - A geophysical look at the idea that Earth's early history had enormous destructive tides. July 9, 2019 |
 | 5G: Upgrade or Uncertainty? (Skeptoid #677) - An examination of the claims that 5G cell phone data service is potentially harmful to life. May 28, 2019 |
 | China, Imported Recyclables, and Ocean Plastic (Skeptoid #671) - Addressing the facts and the fictions around China's ending its overseas purchases of recyclable plastic. April 16, 2019 |
 | A Science Based Ghost Hunting Toolkit (Skeptoid #668) - How a TV ghost hunting show might look if they did what they claim, and used science. March 26, 2019 |
 | All About Mindfulness (Skeptoid #647) - An examination of this super-trendy meditation technique to see whether it lives up to the hype. October 30, 2018 |
 | Animal Earthquake Prediction (Skeptoid #646) - Many people believe animals have the ability to predict earthquakes. The facts tell a different story. October 23, 2018 |
 | The Horsey History of Clever Hans (Skeptoid #633) - This early-1900s horse appeared to be able to do math and other feats, and we learned a lot from him. July 24, 2018 |
 | Lucid Dreaming (Skeptoid #632) - Some people can control their dreams and do anything they want in them -- or can they? July 17, 2018 |
 | The Apes Who Learned Sign Language (Skeptoid #630) - Although many regard Koko as an ape who used sign language, science tells us that ability probably doesn't exist. July 3, 2018 |
 | Your Weird Turn (Skeptoid #625) - We try to figure out some of the creepiest stories ever sent in by Skeptoid listeners. May 29, 2018 |
 | Zuma, The Phantom Satellite (Skeptoid #624) - The malfunction said to have doomed this spacecraft may have just been a cover story. May 22, 2018 |
 | Alcohol Myths (Skeptoid #619) - We point the skeptical eye at five popular beliefs about alcoholic beverages. April 17, 2018 |
 | 10 Great Science Hoaxes (Skeptoid #617) - A look at those few times when hoaxers came closest to fooling those who knew better. April 3, 2018 |
 | Abiotic Oil (Skeptoid #616) - Some believe that oil comes from geological processes rather than from ancient biomass. March 27, 2018 |
 | All About Grounding (Skeptoid #611) - Some New Agers believe that you can heal virtually any ailment simply by taking off your shoes. February 20, 2018 |
 | Do Lobsters Feel Pain? (Skeptoid #607) - What the science says on whether we need to change the way we eat crustaceans. January 23, 2018 |
 | Net Neutrality Reexamined (Skeptoid #604) - A skeptic's guide for organizing the issues raised by Net Neutrality. January 2, 2018 |
 | Sonic Weapons in Cuba (Skeptoid #603) - There is a much better explanation than sonic weapons for reported attacks against US diplomats in Cuba. December 26, 2017 |
 | I Still Can't Believe They Did That: More Human Guinea Pigs (Skeptoid #593) - A further look at ten more scientists who experimented on themselves for the benefit of mankind. October 17, 2017 |
 | Ouija Boards (Skeptoid #591) - Real effects far more interesting than spiritualism claims are behind these famous talking boards. October 3, 2017 |
 | Celebrity Pseudoscience: 2017 Edition (Skeptoid #588) - A look at which celebrities are currently working hardest to erode the public intellect. September 12, 2017 |
 | Volkswagen Dieselgate Reexamined (Skeptoid #586) - In the wake of VW Dieselgate, the government took the wrong steps to solve the wrong problem. August 29, 2017 |
 | Eclipse Myths and Science (Skeptoid #584) - A look at the science-based myths and misconceptions about eclipses, plus some things you might not know. August 15, 2017 |
 | Are You Following a Crank? (Skeptoid #581) - Let's have a look at the traits that define a crank, to make sure your new hero isn't one. July 25, 2017 |
 | How to Surprise a Skeptical Podcaster, Part 2 (Skeptoid #575) - Here are the podcast episodes with conclusions that surprised me the most (part 2). June 13, 2017 |
 | How to Surprise a Skeptical Podcaster, Part 1 (Skeptoid #574) - Here are the podcast episodes with conclusions that surprised me the most (part 1). June 6, 2017 |
 | True or False Pregnancy (Skeptoid #572) - False pregnancies are not only real, they're probably more complex than you imagined. May 23, 2017 |
 | More Space Missions You Should Know (Skeptoid #570) - We take a look at some more of the most exciting space missions, past, present, and future. May 9, 2017 |
 | Beethoven's Hair (Skeptoid #561) - Popular stories claim Beethoven died of lead poisoning, but the science so far doesn't hold up. March 7, 2017 |
 | Remembering the Mandela Effect (Skeptoid #560) - Some claim that certain common false memories are evidence for alternate realities. February 28, 2017 |
 | Thorium Reactors: Fact and Fiction (Skeptoid #555) - These next-generation reactors have attracted a nearly cultish following. Here are the real facts. January 24, 2017 |
 | How Your Credit Card Got Stolen (Skeptoid #554) - Here are the most likely ways that your credit card got stolen, and how you can prevent it in the future. January 17, 2017 |
 | How Your Password Got Stolen (Skeptoid #553) - The facts, fiction, and real risk to you of all these high-profile data breaches online. January 10, 2017 |
 | Space Missions You Should Know (Skeptoid #551) - A roundup of the most exciting and important space missions you really need to know about. December 27, 2016 |
 | The Simple Proof of Man-Made Global Warming (Skeptoid #549) - The two most basic Smoking Guns proving that carbon from fossil fuels is warming the Earth. December 13, 2016 |
 | There's No Such Thing as Race... Or Is There? (Skeptoid #546) - Genetically, race does not exist; but there are still inconvenient places for it in science. November 22, 2016 |
 | White Hat Journal Hoaxes (Skeptoid #543) - Sometimes the best way to scrutinize an open access journal is to hoax them. November 1, 2016 |
 | Photographic Memory (Skeptoid #542) - Pop culture tells us that some people have photographic memories, but the truth is quite different. October 25, 2016 |
 | Feng Shui Today (Skeptoid #540) - Feng shui is much more than just a debunked way to magically arrange furniture. October 11, 2016 |
 | Earthquake Lights: Do They Exist? (Skeptoid #534) - One of those things everyone seems to believe in, but for which there's almost no evidence. August 30, 2016 |
 | Sky Trumpets (Skeptoid #526) - From all over the world come reports of strange trumpet-like blasts from the sky. July 5, 2016 |
 | How Do Homing Pigeons Navigate? (Skeptoid #523) - The latest and greatest research reveals that we still have no clue how birds accomplish this amazing feat. June 14, 2016 |
 | The New Flat Earthers (Skeptoid #521) - The reinvented Flat Earth fad is less about geophysics and more about conspiracy mongering. May 31, 2016 |
 | Why Musical Aliens Probably Use the Same Scale We Do (Skeptoid #513) - Reliance on universal mathematical principles may mean alien music is similar to our own. April 5, 2016 |
 | Bad Science on PBS (Skeptoid #503) - The reasons why PBS is so quick to promote pseudoscience informercials during pledge drives. January 26, 2016 |
 | Schrodinger's Cat and the Bomb Detector (Skeptoid #501) - Whatever you think you know about Schrodinger's famous cat is probably wrong. January 12, 2016 |
 | A Skeptical Look at the Rorschach Test (Skeptoid #497) - The famous Rorschach inkblot test is not a window into the subconscious, and doesn't tell us anything useful. December 15, 2015 |
 | How Real Is the Stockholm Syndrome? (Skeptoid #493) - While the Stockholm syndrome sounds like a mere media buzzword, it does actually sometimes happen. November 17, 2015 |
 | Deconstructing the Tasaday Tribe (Skeptoid #490) - Some say this tribe of "gentle savages", discovered in 1971, was just a hoax. The truth isn't quite so simple. October 27, 2015 |
 | The Science of X-Ray Specs and Sea Monkeys (Skeptoid #489) - These products advertised in the back of comic books promised improbable feats of science. October 20, 2015 |
 | About That 1970s Global Cooling... (Skeptoid #487) - No, climatologists in the 1970s did not believe we're headed into another ice age. October 6, 2015 |
 | More Unsung Women of Science (Skeptoid #484) - Some women you haven't heard of who made significant contributions to science. September 15, 2015 |
 | Unsung Women of Science (Skeptoid #483) - These important scientists are virtually unknown. Let's see if we can fix that. September 8, 2015 |
 | Chemicals (Skeptoid #479) - Chemicals are deadly, delicious, essential and basically, everything. August 11, 2015 |
 | 5 Answers for Creationists (Skeptoid #466) - Creationists have presented 5 questions they don't think 'evolutionists' can answer. Here are some answers. May 12, 2015 |
 | Transgender: Fact or Fiction? (Skeptoid #463) - The Internet believes a lot of things about transgender people, but much of it isn't true. April 21, 2015 |
 | Science Fails (Skeptoid #458) - Science has let you down time after time, and that's one reason why it gets better and better. March 17, 2015 |
 | GMO Facts and Fiction (Skeptoid #454) - See if you know how many of these GMO "facts" are right. February 17, 2015 |
 | Ideomotor Response (Skeptoid #451) - The Ideomotor Response underlies a number of occult phenomena and alt-med practices. January 27, 2015 |
 | The Fallibility of Memory (Skeptoid #446) - We are a story our brain tells itself. And our brains are habitual liars. December 23, 2014 |
 | Tube Amplifiers (Skeptoid #437) - The audiophile preference for tube amps over solid state is based more on emotion than on science. October 21, 2014 |
 | The Water Woo of Masaru Emoto (Skeptoid #433) - Masaru Emoto invented a New Age mythology in which water crystals reflect human consciousness. September 23, 2014 |
 | Acupuncture (Skeptoid #431) - Acupuncture, the safe and effective ancient Chinese medical treatment, turns out to be none of those things. September 9, 2014 |
 | Albinism Facts and Fiction (Skeptoid #425) - Even in developed countries, myths persist about people who have albinism. July 29, 2014 |
 | The Santa Barbara Simoom of 1859 (Skeptoid #424) - Stories of a lethally hot storm wind in Santa Barbara in 1859 persist to this day. July 22, 2014 |
 | 12 Step Programs (Skeptoid #423) - Religious-based twelve step programs are no better at stopping addiction than other programs. July 15, 2014 |
 | Lie Detection (Skeptoid #422) - Polygraphs are no better than a roll of the dice at determining whether you're lying. July 8, 2014 |
 | Left Brained, Right Brained, or Hare Brained? (Skeptoid #418) - Pop psychology tells us we're all either left brain or right brain dominant, a concept with no scientific support. June 10, 2014 |
 | Your Body's Alleged Energy Fields (Skeptoid #411) - There is no such thing as your body's energy field. April 22, 2014 |
 | 15 Phreaky Phobias (Skeptoid #408) - Phobias are irrational, yet the brain surprisingly has a good reason for creating them. April 1, 2014 |
 | It's Just Science (Skeptoid #400) - Some pseudoscience promoters attack the messenger rather than the evidence. February 4, 2014 |
 | Fukushima vs Chernobyl vs Three Mile Island (Skeptoid #397) - Years after the disaster, some claim that Fukushima radiation is still going to cause widespread death. January 14, 2014 |
 | The Biggest, the Oldest, and the Baddest (Skeptoid #396) - A tour of the Earth's biggest, oldest, and most lethal living creatures. January 7, 2014 |
 | Into the Maelstrom (or Not) (Skeptoid #382) - A look into the plausibility and historicity of the ferocious maelstrom of legend. October 1, 2013 |
 | An Enthusiast's Primer on Study Types (Skeptoid #381) - A quick look at many of the most common scientific study types. September 24, 2013 |
 | The Science of Muzak (Skeptoid #370) - Background music really can influence our buying decisions in a shopping environment. July 9, 2013 |
 | Legislating Pseudoscience (Skeptoid #368) - Lawmakers are often pressured by ideologues to pass laws based on bad science. June 25, 2013 |
 | The Sedona Energy Vortex (Skeptoid #366) - Vortexes of spiritual energy are claimed to exist in Sedona, but science suggests we remain skeptical. June 11, 2013 |
 | All About Graphology (Skeptoid #363) - In fact, handwriting analysis tells us nothing useful about the personality and aptitudes of the writer. May 21, 2013 |
 | The Aquatic Ape Theory (Skeptoid #357) - There is a popular fringe theory about human evolution that claims we went through an aquatic phase. April 9, 2013 |
 | Facts and Fiction of the Schumann Resonance (Skeptoid #352) - The Schumann Resonance, 7.83Hz, is one natural radio band in our atmosphere, but holds no mystical powers. March 5, 2013 |
 | Top 10 Best Pro-Science Celebrities (Skeptoid #349) - A list of ten Hollywood celebrities who have leveraged their fame into the promotion of science. February 12, 2013 |
 | The Cult of Nikola Tesla (Skeptoid #345) - The name of Nikola Tesla is associated with crazy conspiracy claims that have nothing to do with his real work. January 15, 2013 |
 | Was the Wow! Signal Alien? (Skeptoid #342) - A signal received by a radio telescope in 1977 may be the best evidence yet for extraterrestrial intelligence. December 25, 2012 |
 | Free Energy Machines (Skeptoid #341) - Someone somewhere is always claiming to have cracked the secret of free energy forever, no fuel needed. December 18, 2012 |
 | How to Tell a Good Website from a Crap Website (Skeptoid #336) - How to tell whether a science article on the web is reliable or not. November 13, 2012 |
 | Hypnotism: Hijacking Your Brain? (Skeptoid #330) - The facts and the fiction of one of the most intriguing psychological phenomena. October 2, 2012 |
 | Is She Real, or Is She Fictional? (Skeptoid #329) - See if you can tell which of these famous women from history are real, and which are fictional. September 25, 2012 |
 | Secrets of the Stradivarius (Skeptoid #328) - The secret of history's greatest stringed instrument, the Stradivarius violin, is that there is no secret. September 18, 2012 |
 | The Mystery of the Vitrified Forts (Skeptoid #326) - Some 60 ancient stone forts in Scotland have vitrified walls, with the stone melted into glass. Here's what we know. September 4, 2012 |
 | The Golden Ratio (Skeptoid #325) - For centuries, claims both scientific and pseudoscientific have been made for the golden ratio. August 28, 2012 |
 | Negative Calorie Food Myths (Skeptoid #322) - Negative calorie foods, said to require more energy to digest than they provide, are a popular food fad. August 7, 2012 |
 | Attack of the Nanobots! (Skeptoid #317) - A look at the belief that nanotechnology may result in an army of self-replicating machines that consume society. July 3, 2012 |
 | Left Handed Myths and Facts (Skeptoid #310) - Many popular anecdotes tell how and why some people are left-handed, but the true facts are even more interesting. May 15, 2012 |
 | I Can't Believe They Did That: Human Guinea Pigs (Skeptoid #305) - A look at some of history's most famous scientists who experimented upon themselves. April 10, 2012 |
 | Are Vinyl Recordings Better than Digital? (Skeptoid #303) - Many audio aficionados split into two camps, those supporting modern digital audio, and those supporting vinyl records. March 27, 2012 |
 | Star Jelly (Skeptoid #299) - Jellylike blobs have been reported to fall from the sky during meteor showers. Aliens? No, science. February 28, 2012 |
 | The Toxic Lady (Skeptoid #291) - The story goes that in 1994, fumes from a woman's body knocked out most of an emergency room staff. January 3, 2012 |
 | Pit Bull Attack! (Skeptoid #288) - Pit bulls have a reputation for being the most dangerous dog breed. Turns out the facts just don't support that. December 13, 2011 |
 | Top 10 Worst Anti-Science Websites (Skeptoid #283) - My list of the worst offenders on the web in the promotion of scientific and factual misinformation. November 8, 2011 |
 | The Science of Voting (Skeptoid #281) - Most election methods are fundamentally broken, but can be fixed with any of a number of tweaks. October 25, 2011 |
 | Noah's Ark: Sea Trials (Skeptoid #279) - Why it's impossible for a wooden vessel the size of Noah's Ark to be seaworthy. October 11, 2011 |
 | Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, and Other Radio Bogeymen (Skeptoid #273) - Demonizing radio transmitters as carcinogenic is popular, but is not supported by any reasonable science. August 30, 2011 |
 | Are We Alone? (Skeptoid #272) - We are not alone in the galaxy. Here's why that doesn't mean we've been visited by anyone. August 23, 2011 |
 | Zeno's Paradoxes (Skeptoid #267) - Greek philosopher Zeno apparently proved that movement was impossible with a few simple paradoxes. July 19, 2011 |
 | Nuclear War and Nuclear Winter (Skeptoid #244) - Atmospheric smoke from a nuclear war would not result in devastating global cooling. February 8, 2011 |
 | Mystery Spots (Skeptoid #240) - Various "gravitational anomalies" around the world have fascinating real science behind them. January 11, 2011 |
 | Whales and Sonar (Skeptoid #236) - Navy sonar is claimed to be lethal to whales, but the latest research tells a very different story. December 14, 2010 |
 | IQ Testing (Skeptoid #235) - IQ tests are fundamentally flawed, hopelessly inconsistent, and almost completely useless. December 7, 2010 |
 | The South Atlantic Anomaly (Skeptoid #234) - This mysterious region in the south Atlantic was not responsible for the crash of Air France flight 447. November 30, 2010 |
 | DDT: Secret Life of a Pesticide (Skeptoid #230) - DDT can be both a killer of birds and a savior against malaria. Rarely is a question as black and white as we'd like. November 2, 2010 |
 | The Brown Mountain Lights (Skeptoid #226) - A ghost light in North Carolina has people scratching their heads, but researchers solved it a century ago. October 5, 2010 |
 | Alien Downpour: The Red Rain of India (Skeptoid #224) - News agencies have long promoted a 2001 red rainfall as alien, but a better explanation was already there. September 21, 2010 |
 | The Frog in the Stone (Skeptoid #223) - Stories of living frogs being found encased in solid rock have a more interesting (and reality-based) explanation. September 14, 2010 |
 | The Myers-Briggs Personality Test (Skeptoid #221) - A critical look at the world's most popular psychological metric, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. August 31, 2010 |
 | The Things We Eat... (Skeptoid #216) - A look at what's really in food reveals the foolishness of the idea of "good food" and "bad food". July 27, 2010 |
 | Ball Lightning (Skeptoid #192) - Everyone believes in ball lightning, but when we stick to the science, there's probably nothing there. February 9, 2010 |
 | The Bell Island Boom (Skeptoid #190) - This shattering boom in Newfoundland was more likely a natural phenomenon than a superweapon test. January 26, 2010 |
 | Vaccine Ingredients (Skeptoid #180) - The claims made about the dangerous chemicals in vaccines are all either false or misrepresented. November 17, 2009 |
 | The Bloop (Skeptoid #177) - This mysterious sound captured by NOAA hydrophones was not a sea monster. October 27, 2009 |
 | Daylight Saving Time Myths (Skeptoid #172) - All the reasons you've ever heard for Daylight Saving Time are nonsense. Here is the real one. September 22, 2009 |
 | Was Chuck Yeager the First to Break the Sound Barrier? (Skeptoid #154) - Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in 1947, but others almost certainly did so before him. May 19, 2009 |
 | How Old Is the Mount St. Helens Lava Dome? (Skeptoid #146) - Young Earthers point to an infamous dating error as evidence that the Earth is only as old as the Bible says. March 24, 2009 |
 | The Case of the Strange Skulls (Skeptoid #144) - A collection of bizarre human skulls from around the world. March 10, 2009 |
 | Chasing the Min Min Light (Skeptoid #133) - The Australian outback's mysterious jack o' lantern has sparked some good stories, but some even better science. December 23, 2008 |
 | HAARP Myths (Skeptoid #122) - A close look at HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, and the claim that it's a superweapon. October 7, 2008 |
 | Scalar Weapons: Tesla's Doomsday Machine? (Skeptoid #121) - No, Nikola Tesla did not design a superweapon capable of vaporizing whole parts of the earth. September 30, 2008 |
 | How Dangerous Is Cell Phone Radiation? (Skeptoid #117) - There is neither evidence nor plausible hypothetical foundation for cell phone signals to be at all dangerous. September 2, 2008 |
 | Search for the Missing Cosmonauts (Skeptoid #115) - A pair of young Italian brothers probably didn't uncover evidence of Soviet cosmonauts dying in space. August 19, 2008 |
 | Will the Large Hadron Collider Destroy the Earth? (Skeptoid #109) - Some people believe that CERN's Large Hadron Collider will create black holes that will destroy the Earth. July 15, 2008 |
 | What You Didn't Know about the Stanford Prison Experiment (Skeptoid #102) - The Stanford Prison Experiment, said to have proven that evil environments produce evil behavior, was completely unscientific and unreliable. May 27, 2008 |
 | Can You Hear the Hum? (Skeptoid #90) - An exploration of the mysterious rumble that some people hear all over the world. March 4, 2008 |
 | How to Debate a Young Earth Creationist (Skeptoid #65) - Learn the basic arguments against science made by Young Earthers, and how to rebut them. September 11, 2007 |
 | Autism and Chelation: A Recipe for Risk (Skeptoid #55) - An examination of the lethal pop-culture fad of chelating autistic children. July 15, 2007 |
 | Science Magazines Violating Their Own Missions (Skeptoid #52) - Science magazines continue to undermine themselves by publishing ads for pseudoscientific products. June 30, 2007 |
 | Ethanol: Miracle Fuel, or Not? (Skeptoid #51) - Ethanol as a fuel may be carbon neutral, but offers few other benefits. June 25, 2007 |
 | How to Identify a "Good" Scientific Journal (Skeptoid #50) - Here is how to tell whose "scientific journal" article is actually more reputable. June 15, 2007 |
 | Neanderthals in Present Day Asia (Skeptoid #40) - Some claim that a legendary wildman, the Almas, is a population of relict Neanderthals. April 21, 2007 |
 | Chemtrails: Real or Not? (Skeptoid #27) - Some believe that airplane contrails are really dangerous chemicals being sprayed by the government. February 15, 2007 |
 | Scientists Are Not Created Equal (Skeptoid #25) - The word "scientist" can mean just about anything you want it to mean. February 5, 2007 |
 | Cell Phones on Airplanes (Skeptoid #14) - Cell phones are perfectly safe on airplanes, despite continued claims of danger. December 15, 2006 |
 | A Primer on Scientific Testing (Skeptoid #13) - Understand the basics of scientific testing. December 11, 2006 |
 | New Age Energy (Skeptoid #2) - An examination of energy, as new agers use the term. October 11, 2006 |