Ways to Give

As a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit, Skeptoid Media encourages science literacy and critical thinking by producing free, STEM-focused educational and entertainment content — including this podcast. We depend upon your support to fund our programming and our team.
You can also download our most recent Annual Report and Accounting Review.
Setting up recurring monthly microdonations is the best way to support Skeptoid. Not only do you receive maximum benefits — including ad-free podcasts with extended content — your microdonations give us continuous cash flow so we can maintain the quality programming you have come to expect. You can set it up here.
The most tax-friendly way to support charities like Skeptoid Media is with a donation of appreciated stocks. You may be able to pay zero capital gains taxes, and still be able to deduct the full value of the stocks (be sure to consult with your licensed tax advisor). To learn more, contact our Director of Operations and Resources Kathy Rightmire at kathy@skeptoid.com. Skeptoid Media does not hold or speculate with securities.
Leaving a legacy speaks volumes about your hopes and dreams for the future. As Skeptoid Media looks to our own future, we would be honored to share in your legacy. There are many ways to fulfill your financial, giving, or retirement goals. Contact our Executive Director Brian Dunning to learn more.
If you're thinking about a new car, your old one can help Skeptoid. You can donate to us, we'll pick it up, and turn the proceeds into more podcasts. To get the process rolling, check out our Vehicle Donation page.
Double your impact. Many employers will match charitable donations. Check if yours will.