| The Legend of the Dover Demon (Skeptoid #965) - What could explain a strange creature living in the suburbs, but only ever witnessed once? December 3, 2024 |
 | Hunting the Gloucester Sea Serpent (Skeptoid #963) - This alleged sea serpent terrorized a New England fishing village for two years in the 19th century. November 19, 2024 |
 | Tracking California's Monster Salamander (Skeptoid #903) - Does a monster salamander the size of Asia's largest live undiscovered in the Pacific Northwest? September 26, 2023 |
 | On the Trail of the Mapinguari (Skeptoid #888) - Are ground sloths that somehow survived their extinction responsible for cryptid sightings in the Amazon? June 13, 2023 |
 | Hunting the Florida Skunk Ape (Skeptoid #884) - This Bigfoot-like cryptid is said to haunt the swamps of Florida. But has the story been around as long as people think? May 16, 2023 |
 | Why the Fresno Nightcrawler Is So Popular (Skeptoid #826) - This relatively new and not-so-famous cryptid manages to have an outsized pop-culture footprint. April 5, 2022 |
 | On the Trail of the Chupacabra (Skeptoid #815) - An exploration into the chupacabra, and how that word came to be applied to so many unrelated things. January 18, 2022 |
 | The Cottingley Fairies: Analysis of a Famous Hoax (Skeptoid #805) - The true and weird history of the two girls who fooled the world with their fairy photographs in 1917. November 9, 2021 |
 | Unmasking the Old Stinker: The Hull Werewolf (Skeptoid #804) - This modern sighting of a strange beast is claimed to have been a resurgence of a legendary medieval monster. November 2, 2021 |
 | Tracking the Wild Big Cats of Britain (Skeptoid #798) - A close look at the tales of large black predatory cats stalking Britain for centuries. September 21, 2021 |
 | The Monster of Port Chatham (Skeptoid #772) - This remote town in Alaska was said to have been abandoned because of violent Bigfoot attacks. March 23, 2021 |
 | Denizens of Lake Baikal (Skeptoid #771) - A host of strange monsters are said to lurk beneath the surface of the world's deepest lake. March 16, 2021 |
 | On the Trail of the Yowie (Skeptoid #762) - Australia's version of Bigfoot may -- or may not -- have its origin in Aboriginal mythology. January 12, 2021 |
 | Hunting the Beast of Gevaudan (Skeptoid #732) - This mysterious creature actually killed over 100 people in France in the 1760s. June 16, 2020 |
 | Hunting the Mokele-Mbembe (Skeptoid #727) - Some believe this relict dinosaur still survives in parts of the Congo. May 12, 2020 |
 | The Bili Ape of the Congo (Skeptoid #689) - The facts behind the legend of a mysterious giant ape, said by some to be a chimp-gorilla hybrid. August 20, 2019 |
 | And Bigfoot Said... (Skeptoid #656) - We compare vocalizations attributed to Bigfoot with the sounds of real animals known to be in the area. January 1, 2019 |
 | Pop Quiz: Cryptozoology! (Skeptoid #642) - How well do you know your Skeptoid? Today's pop quiz focuses on cryptozoology. September 25, 2018 |
 | Gremlins (Skeptoid #627) - These mischievous creatures that sabotage airplanes are claimed by some to be actual physical beings. June 12, 2018 |
 | The Civil War Pterosaur (Skeptoid #605) - This famous Internet photo of Civil War soldiers posing with a pterosaur has a surprising source. January 9, 2018 |
 | Thawing the Minnesota Iceman (Skeptoid #571) - This sideshow attraction convinced a few real scientists that it was an actual ape-man. May 16, 2017 |
 | Wag the Dogman (Skeptoid #477) - They say that a half-canine cryptid stalks the woods of Northern Michigan. Are they right? July 28, 2015 |
 | The Loveland Frog (Skeptoid #473) - A series of sightings of a frog-like humanoid in the suburb of Loveland, Ohio prompts an enduring folkloric legend. June 30, 2015 |
 | Cryptids That Turned Out To Be Real (Skeptoid #461) - Sometimes speculative animals do turn out to be real, but that still doesn't validate cryptozoology as a science. April 7, 2015 |
 | Megalodon Myths (Skeptoid #445) - The Discovery Channel wants you to think that a giant prehistoric shark may still swim our oceans. December 16, 2014 |
 | Griffins (Skeptoid #442) - Griffins, considered absurd mythological beasts today, were actually our first attempt to explain fossils. November 25, 2014 |
 | The Skookum Cast (Skeptoid #441) - The first "full body cast" of an alleged Bigfoot left many experts with a different impression. November 18, 2014 |
 | The Braxton County Monster (Skeptoid #434) - A group of 7 West Virginians looked for a crashed UFO in the hills and ended up getting the fright of their lives. September 30, 2014 |
 | The Boggy Creek Monster (Skeptoid #404) - The Boggy Creek Monster captured our imaginations, but its true story is even more fascinating. March 4, 2014 |
 | Tracking the Tasmanian Tiger (Skeptoid #386) - Some say this extinct Tasmanian marsupial may still roam the forests. The evidence is against them. October 29, 2013 |
 | The Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot Film (Skeptoid #375) - The true history behind the iconic Bigfoot film that launched the legend. August 13, 2013 |
 | Olgoi-Khorkhoi: The Mongolian Death Worm (Skeptoid #344) - Mongolian tradition holds that a strange and deadly worm lives beneath the sands of the Gobi desert. January 8, 2013 |
 | Skinwalkers (Skeptoid #321) - Navajo Skinwalkers were said to be able to shapeshift into animals, but don't worry, it's just a tall tale. July 31, 2012 |
 | The Loch Ness Monster (Skeptoid #318) - The world's most famous cryptid is said to swim in Scotland's most famous loch. July 10, 2012 |
 | De Loys' Ape (Skeptoid #302) - A geologist claimed to have discovered a new species of great ape in Venezuela in the early 20th century. March 20, 2012 |
 | Star Jelly (Skeptoid #299) - Jellylike blobs have been reported to fall from the sky during meteor showers. Aliens? No, science. February 28, 2012 |
 | The Grey Man of Ben MacDhui (Skeptoid #292) - A thin, dark phantom three times the height of a man is said to stalk this peak in the Cairngorms. January 10, 2012 |
 | The Jersey Devil (Skeptoid #282) - Said to have been haunting New Jersey for nearly 300 years, this alleged creature has its actual origins in politics. November 1, 2011 |
 | The Abominable Snowman (Skeptoid #269) - Science shows that the Yeti of the Himalayas is almost certainly not a real creature. August 2, 2011 |
 | The Secret of Plum Island (Skeptoid #257) - This secret government lab was said to create genetic mutants. Here's what they actually did. May 10, 2011 |
 | Alien Downpour: The Red Rain of India (Skeptoid #224) - News agencies have long promoted a 2001 red rainfall as alien, but a better explanation was already there. September 21, 2010 |
 | The Frog in the Stone (Skeptoid #223) - Stories of living frogs being found encased in solid rock have a more interesting (and reality-based) explanation. September 14, 2010 |
 | Stalin's Human-Ape Hybrids (Skeptoid #219) - Josef Stalin did not order the creation of an army of half-ape, half-human hybrids. August 17, 2010 |
 | The Bloop (Skeptoid #177) - This mysterious sound captured by NOAA hydrophones was not a sea monster. October 27, 2009 |
 | The Mothman Cometh (Skeptoid #159) - A skeptical look at the Mothman, an alleged prophet of disaster. June 23, 2009 |
 | Orang Pendek: Forest Hobbit of Sumatra (Skeptoid #77) - A description of Sumatra's own little miniature Bigfoot legend. December 4, 2007 |
 | Neanderthals in Present Day Asia (Skeptoid #40) - Some claim that a legendary wildman, the Almas, is a population of relict Neanderthals. April 21, 2007 |
 | Killing Bigfoot with Bad Science (Skeptoid #11) - Sometimes the skeptics' perspective on Bigfoot is just as unscientific as that of the believers. December 3, 2006 |
 | Rods: Flying Absurdities (Skeptoid #4) - There is neither evidence nor plausible hypotheticals suggesting that invisible flying "rods" might exist. October 24, 2006 |