| Leaded Gasoline and Mental Health (Skeptoid #978) - A look at recent studies finding leaded gasoline caused 151 million mental health illnesses in the United States. March 4, 2025 |
 | Cows and Global Warming (Skeptoid #973) - Just as important as the question of how much the livestock industry contributes to global warming is whether your giving up meat will have any real impact. January 28, 2025 |
 | Cloud Seeding (Skeptoid #971) - Cloud seeding would seem like an easy and obvious way to create rain where none existed before. Is it really that simple? January 14, 2025 |
 | Is Recycling for Real? (Skeptoid #932) - A close look at where recycling of some common materials is actually at these days. April 16, 2024 |
 | Reconsidering the Seveso Dioxin Disaster (Skeptoid #921) - Was this infamous 1976 dioxin disaster as bad as reported, or might it have been much worse than we thought? January 30, 2024 |
 | DDT, 13 Years Later (Skeptoid #917) - A failure mode analysis of my most-hated episode ever: #230 on the use of DDT to fight malaria. January 2, 2024 |
 | Surviving Brazil's Snake Island (Skeptoid #913) - This Brazilian island is said to be too dangerous to visit due to countless venomous snakes. December 5, 2023 |
 | Artificial Turf: Poisonous Pitches? (Skeptoid #905) - Some claim that artificial turf sports fields emit poisonous chemicals, making them dangerous for children. October 10, 2023 |
 | The Hottest Temperature on Earth (Skeptoid #895) - Is the world record highest air temperature a solid measurement, or might it be invalid? August 1, 2023 |
 | What the Oil Companies Really Knew, Part 2 (Skeptoid #877) - Is it true that the oil companies knew how much harm they were doing as far back as the 1970s? March 28, 2023 |
 | Earthquake Prediction (Skeptoid #873) - After every earthquake, there's always someone who claims to have predicted it. Is earthquake prediction possible? February 28, 2023 |
 | Climate Change Checkup: 2023 Edition (Skeptoid #872) - The state of the climate so far... how we're doing, and what do we need to work on the most. February 21, 2023 |
 | The Dirty Secret of Dirty Electricity (Skeptoid #870) - Is there such a thing as a type of electricity running through your home's wiring that delivers horrific health impacts to anyone living there? February 7, 2023 |
 | Electric Cars and the Power Grid (Skeptoid #852) - Opponents of electric cars claim that the power grid can't keep up with the growing demand for electricity. October 4, 2022 |
 | Who Really Killed the Electric Car (Skeptoid #849) - Pop culture tells us that a conspiracy is what killed GM's EV1 in 2002. But is an exotic explanation really needed? September 13, 2022 |
 | What They're Saying About Electric Cars Now (Skeptoid #844) - The arguments made by electric car haters no longer hold up. Time to upgrade August 9, 2022 |
 | What Really Happened on Easter Island (Skeptoid #827) - The popular known history of Easter Island — that deforestation brought about its demise — is not generally accepted. April 12, 2022 |
 | Why You Need to Care About Concrete (Skeptoid #813) - Concrete will remain one of our most important materials for decades — but there's a big problem with it. January 4, 2022 |
 | Environmental Microplastics (Skeptoid #806) - This manmade debris permeates our bodies and our planet, but what's the harm? November 16, 2021 |
 | Why You Need to Care About Methane (Skeptoid #797) - We focus a lot on carbon dioxide when talking about climate change. Should we be talking more about methane? September 14, 2021 |
 | All About Clearcutting (Skeptoid #789) - Is clearcutting of forests for logging a public nuisance or a public benefit? July 20, 2021 |
 | Desalination vs. A National Water Grid (Skeptoid #785) - A comparison of two popular ways to help cope with the new water reality of global warming. June 22, 2021 |
 | Rethinking Plastic Straw Bans (Skeptoid #717) - Bans on plastic drinking straws are a solution in search of a problem. March 3, 2020 |
 | The Trashy Secret of Plastic Bag Bans (Skeptoid #711) - Science decides the question of whether plastic bag bans help or hurt the environment. January 21, 2020 |
 | Wind Turbines and Birds (Skeptoid #709) - Wind turbines actually save many more bird lives than they destroy. January 7, 2020 |
 | Fighting Global Warming with Economics (Skeptoid #695) - There's always been an easy solution to global warming on the table, and it won't hurt the economy. October 1, 2019 |
 | No, Electric Cars Don't Pollute More (Skeptoid #687) - Popularly shared articles claim electric cars produce more greenhouses gases than internal combustion cars. August 6, 2019 |
 | China, Imported Recyclables, and Ocean Plastic (Skeptoid #671) - Addressing the facts and the fictions around China's ending its overseas purchases of recyclable plastic. April 16, 2019 |
 | Ocean Plastics: Facts and Falsehoods (Skeptoid #665) - The nature of the problem of ocean plastics, and the best solution, may both come as surprises. March 5, 2019 |
 | Environmental Working Group and the Dirty Dozen (Skeptoid #623) - This company's annual press releases are intended to frighten you into buying organic. May 15, 2018 |
 | Palm Oil Facts and Fiction (Skeptoid #608) - Is it a medical miracle, an environmental disaster, both, or neither? January 30, 2018 |
 | Hiding the Decline: Climategate Demystified (Skeptoid #601) - This infamous scandal was said to have proven global warming was all just a hoax. Umm, no. December 12, 2017 |
 | Thorium Reactors: Fact and Fiction (Skeptoid #555) - These next-generation reactors have attracted a nearly cultish following. Here are the real facts. January 24, 2017 |
 | The Simple Proof of Man-Made Global Warming (Skeptoid #549) - The two most basic Smoking Guns proving that carbon from fossil fuels is warming the Earth. December 13, 2016 |
 | Sky Trumpets (Skeptoid #526) - From all over the world come reports of strange trumpet-like blasts from the sky. July 5, 2016 |
 | Colony Collapse Disorder: Science and Pseudoscience (Skeptoid #524) - Everyone loves to point the finger at the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder; here's what we actually know. June 21, 2016 |
 | Black Mold: Peril or Prosaic? (Skeptoid #494) - Black mold is commonly believed to harbor many deadly diseases; but in fact removing it is often worse than leaving it. November 24, 2015 |
 | About That 1970s Global Cooling... (Skeptoid #487) - No, climatologists in the 1970s did not believe we're headed into another ice age. October 6, 2015 |
 | Agenda 21 (Skeptoid #465) - A look at the conspiratorial hysteria and sensationalism surrounding the United Nations' Agenda 21. May 5, 2015 |
 | Plastic Bags (Skeptoid #460) - Deciding whether you want "paper or plastic" at the supermarket turns out to be a remarkably complex choice. March 31, 2015 |
 | The Santa Barbara Simoom of 1859 (Skeptoid #424) - Stories of a lethally hot storm wind in Santa Barbara in 1859 persist to this day. July 22, 2014 |
 | Fukushima vs Chernobyl vs Three Mile Island (Skeptoid #397) - Years after the disaster, some claim that Fukushima radiation is still going to cause widespread death. January 14, 2014 |
 | 6 Problems with Wind Turbine Syndrome (Skeptoid #388) - Despite activist claims, wind turbines are not making anybody sick. November 12, 2013 |
 | Legislating Pseudoscience (Skeptoid #368) - Lawmakers are often pressured by ideologues to pass laws based on bad science. June 25, 2013 |
 | Facts and Fiction of the Schumann Resonance (Skeptoid #352) - The Schumann Resonance, 7.83Hz, is one natural radio band in our atmosphere, but holds no mystical powers. March 5, 2013 |
 | Attack of the Nanobots! (Skeptoid #317) - A look at the belief that nanotechnology may result in an army of self-replicating machines that consume society. July 3, 2012 |
 | The Science and Politics of Global Warming (Skeptoid #309) - How global warming became the poster boy for failed science communication. May 8, 2012 |
 | All About Fracking (Skeptoid #275) - There are lots of reasons to move away from fossil fuels, but the supposed hazards of fracking just aren't among them. September 13, 2011 |
 | Nuclear War and Nuclear Winter (Skeptoid #244) - Atmospheric smoke from a nuclear war would not result in devastating global cooling. February 8, 2011 |
 | Whales and Sonar (Skeptoid #236) - Navy sonar is claimed to be lethal to whales, but the latest research tells a very different story. December 14, 2010 |
 | DDT: Secret Life of a Pesticide (Skeptoid #230) - DDT can be both a killer of birds and a savior against malaria. Rarely is a question as black and white as we'd like. November 2, 2010 |
 | Organic vs. Conventional Agriculture (Skeptoid #166) - Organic agriculture provides no benefits whatsoever over science-based farming. August 11, 2009 |
 | Locally Grown Produce (Skeptoid #162) - The idea of locally grown produce as nowhere near as green as its proponents seem to think it is. July 14, 2009 |
 | The Sargasso Sea and the Pacific Garbage Patch (Skeptoid #132) - We cast our skeptical eye upon two vast hazards to navigation said to lurk in the centers of the two great oceans. December 16, 2008 |
 | Genetically Modified Organisms: Jeopardy or Jackpot? (Skeptoid #112) - Despite the popular fearmongering, GMO technologies promise a boon to agriculture and humanity. August 5, 2008 |
 | Is Peak Oil the End of Civilization? (Skeptoid #100) - When we run out of oil, society will likely peacefully and gradually adapt. May 13, 2008 |
 | Rethinking Nuclear Power (Skeptoid #92) - There are many good reasons why environmentalists are turning again to nuclear power for the future. March 18, 2008 |
 | Water: Alternative Fuel of the Future? (Skeptoid #87) - Cranks love to make the claim on YouTube, but you cannot run your car on water. February 12, 2008 |
 | Ethanol: Miracle Fuel, or Not? (Skeptoid #51) - Ethanol as a fuel may be carbon neutral, but offers few other benefits. June 25, 2007 |
 | Free Range Chicken and Farm Raised Fish (Skeptoid #47) - Free range chickens and farm raised fish probably have almost none of the benefits you think they do. May 26, 2007 |
 | Heating Up to Global Warming (Skeptoid #39) - Why everyone needs to start taking global warming more seriously. April 16, 2007 |
 | Chemtrails: Real or Not? (Skeptoid #27) - Some believe that airplane contrails are really dangerous chemicals being sprayed by the government. February 15, 2007 |
 | Organic Food Myths (Skeptoid #19) - It's marketed as a revolution in health and the environment, but it's better described as a counterproductive fad. January 5, 2007 |
 | SUV Phobia (Skeptoid #15) - Some believe SUVs should be categorized by their cosmetic appearance, rather than by their size or fuel efficiency. December 20, 2006 |
 | Sustainable Sustainability (Skeptoid #5) - Focus on the year's undisputed overused buzzword: "Sustainable" November 1, 2006 |