Skeptalk Discussion List
to discuss all the most profound skeptical
issues in real time with all sorts of fascinating people?
The Skeptalk Mailing List is the place to do it!
Skeptalk runs on Google Groups - go here to join now.
Once you are joined to the group, you'll be able to manage all of your settings in the Google Groups interface. You can send and receive messages via email, via the website, or both.
Skeptalk Rules
- Only brilliant, ingenious people with brilliant, ingenious things
to say are allowed to subscribe and post. But then, I'm on there,
so obviously this rule is flexible.
- Stick to the issues - no flame wars. Keep it interesting
for others to read.
- Subject to Rule #2, Skeptalk is a Free Speech Zone. Discussion
of any skeptical topic is encouraged, no matter how politically incorrect
or offensive to some. If you're easily offended, expect Skeptalk
to find out how easily.
- There is no spam on Skeptalk. Announcements
of interest to the skeptical community, such as upcoming
events, are definitely invited.

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