SKEPTOID BLOG:The United Kingdom Is Poised Turn Medical Care Back To Medieval CareJune 22, 2015 According to a BBC news profile: David Tredinnick is an old style Conservative MP, being an Eton-educated former Guards officer, who has sat in the Commons since 1987.He openly espouses alternative healthcare as a replacement forscience-based medicine. That's not unique in itself, but the woo doesn't stop there. He openly advocates that astrology (yes, you read correctly, astrology), shouldbe an integral part of the healthcare system. The Telegraph reported in February: David Tredinnick said 'consulting the stars would take huge pressure off doctors and predicts astrology will have a role to play in healthcare.'My personal favorite of all his quotes is an almost Lewis Carroll-esquein its literary nonsense. TheTelegraphcontinues, quoting him: 'The opposition (to astrology) is based on what I call the SIP formula â€"superstition, ignorance, and prejudice.Superstitious scientists? Ironic, really, since he espousing primitive superstition as a replacement for medical science. I recommend The Skeptic's Dictionary for a thorough treatise on astrology. Basically it is pre-scientific superstition that has morphed into a non-scientific idea about planetary motion and gravity affecting everything from current events to personality. It is not justimpossible based on what we know about astrophysics, biology, physics and human physiology but it is inaccurate. It doesn't even correlate with real celestial movement that we can see. More importantly, astrology just doesn't work. Research has repeatedly shown that astrology is no more accurate than mere chance in predicting human behavior or events. Many claim astrology is accurate and useful,but humanity is an unreliable judge on its own. Although there are many satisfied customers who believe that their horoscope accurately describes them and that their astrologer has given them good advice, such evidence does not prove astrology so much as it demonstrates the Forer effect and confirmation bias. Bottom line: it is not a basis for medical treatment or diagnosis; it is superstitious medievalism. Mr. Tredinnick is recommending that peopleuse it as a replacement for modern medicine. Like many true believers in alternative medicine he insiststhat there is something inherently wrong with the scientific process, since it seems to disprove their convictions. He has defended his advocacy of alternative medicines and said it should not get "bogged down" by the need for evidence. Scary indeed. It's not that I mind his views in particular; people can believe a whole host of crazy ideas and still be a good politician. When you have a politician who serves on thethe Science and Technology Select Committee you want someone who actually knows something about science. This individualhas direct control over funding for science and technology. This is akin to having an atheist head aSelect Committee for Religious Life and Scripture. Tredinnick's chairmanship ofthe Health Select Committee would bea recipe for disaster and an embarrassment. You don't want someone whose views are so obviously disdainfulof science deciding who gets scientific funding and who doesn't or making policy for the health of a nation. He already has a discordant amount of influence in the UK being on the committee. He shouldnot be given more. Realistically, those of you living in the UK need to sort this out. I am not entirely familiar with your parliament and its procedures, but in the US we would say call and write your senators and representatives showing your displeasure. It is my understanding that this page is the route for complaints in the UK. Any residents please correct me if I am wrong. Gov.UK Complaints Procedure. or this email A person who publicly and openly says that the scientific method needs to be discarded, simply because demanding proof thatsomething works is inconvenient, shouldn't be in control of the purse strings for research. In the US a similarly fervent ideologue, Senator Tom Harkin, caused a regulatory nightmare for the FDA that we still can't dig out of 20 years later. Don't make our mistake, demand science in your healthcommittee. Take a minute and support Skeptoid. The money doesn’t go to me, but instead goes to keep Skeptoid running as a resource of science and skepticism. Remember: all donations and gifts to Skeptoid Media, Inc. are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (sections 170, 2055, 2106, 2522). You can follow me at Twitter @steveproacnpfor a daily dose of skeptical nursing. Please check out the completion of the seriesOcc: The Skeptical Caveman,which I helped produce withthe guys at The Skeptics Guide To the Universe. @Skeptoid Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit |