SKEPTOID BLOG:Baffling Black Ringby Mike Weaver April 15, 2014 I don’t know about you, but I love finding the word “baffling” in a headline. It seems that scientists, doctors, or experts are perpetually baffled by some mysterious object, sighting, miracle, cure, or, in this case, a black ring in the sky. Recently, a schoolgirl in Warwickshire, England videotaped a mysterious black ring in the sky. Experts, apparently, are baffled. I first saw this story published on today. The story may have been first broken by out of the UK. The video I viewed can be found on SWNS’ YouTube channel, here. A screen capture of the ring from the video is above. From the article:
Amusingly, even though the article’s headline states that “experts [are] baffled” , the author closes the article with this observation:
Experts may be baffled, but the author seems not so baffled. The folks at Gizmodo wrote about it as well. The article notes:
A little bit of internet searching turns up numerous videos and images of the smoke rings left by electrical transformer explosions; Wicker Park Transformer, Chicago Smoke Ring, Another Explosion Ring The truth is that we don’t really know what the ring was. It is very likely, I think, that it was the ring of a transformer explosion or something very similar. Smoke rings are visible vortex rings which can hold together a surprisingly long time, in calm conditions. The girl’s video is a good example of one, I think. Of course, you could subscribe to the hypothesis put forth by the International Business Times:
It’s your choice, my friends. Update: This article was shared in the comments. It explains that the ring was identified as the results of fireworks testing. Good to know! Be well. by Mike Weaver @Skeptoid Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit |