SKEPTOID BLOG:Spray On EnergySeptember 26, 2013 I accept the challenge. Energy Drinks are a broad category of stimulant drinks. Some energy drinks have ingredients that are useless, dangerous, or a completely unknown. The common active ingredient in energy drinks is caffeine. There can be a carbohydrates but not always. There can be a broad range of additives mostly for marketing generally pseudoscience. The investors assert that their spray is superior, cheaper, safer and lasts longer than conventional energy drinks. At this point they have raised nearly 10 times their goal of 15,000 usd for their start-up. Lets take a look at their claims and apply our "Skeptical Eye". The Pitch- "Sprayable EnergyWelcome to the end of tired. We've developed a liquid you spray on your skin to get the energy you would from energy drinks"I don't have a problem with most of this claim. My objection is that many of those side effects are due to the caffeine. Ironic that the energy spray originators object to the calories in the energy drinks, since it is the only actual energy. I would also disagree that all caffeine products "Suck". "Sprayable Energy is the world's first caffeine based topical energy spray. It can be taken in seconds, doesn't make you crash, is way more affordable than current products, and isn't full of mystery ingredients.Many problems with the previous statement. Changing the delivery of an activeingredientrarelydiminishesrisk. There is no energy in this spray, there are no calories. It is a stimulant spray.They are claiming longer lasting effects than oral caffeine. Why? how? Transdermal does not automatically mean extendedrelease. Nicotine transdermal is designed to be slowly released. If this formulation isextendedrelease then multipleapplicationswould be dangerous, possibly deadly. High dose caffeine can induce, hallucinations,muscle fasiculations, heart arrhythmia,hypertensive crisis or stroke. Dumping the energy drink woo ingredients is safer, but the active ingredient is still dangerous. By eliminating the drink part of the energy drink you have removed a barrier to overdosing. The volume of the drink is protective to an extent. If you drink a 100 cups of coffee you will wash it out quicker than you can overdose yourself. Plus if you consume that much fluid the bloated full feeling will slow you down. A topical spray could be dosed and dosed and dosed until you pass out from an arrhythmia. That is the primary reason why pill caffeine is dangerous and caffeinated beverages are usually not. Finally it isabsolutefallacy to claim that delivery method will give all the positives without any of the problems. That is an out and out lie. It is not energy it is a caffeine spray. At this point, you’re probably wondering how Sprayable works and we don’t blame you.This is mostly nonsense revealing the investors complete lack of pharmacological and chemical knowledge about their own product. Nicotine is not the same as caffeine except that they are both atypical stimulants from plant evolved pesticides. "Well, it turns out caffeine isn’t very soluble in water, and so it’s difficult to transport enough caffeine in a spray to have a significant effect" Caffeine is hydrophilicit is soluble in water. It is dissolved in soft drinks all the time. Your skin is water repellent so dissolving it in water is the opposite of what you want. "Our active ingredient is caffeine, which can actually naturally enter your body through the skin by passing through cell membranes" "caffeine is very structurally similar to nicotine - which also easily passes through cell membranes" Caffeine pharmacological action is extracellular it does not need to cross cell membranes.Caffeine is believed to work by blocking adenosine receptors in the brain and other organs. This reduces the ability of adenosine to bind to the receptors, which would slow down cellular activity. The stimulated nerve cells release the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline), which increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood flow to muscles, decreases blood flow to the skin and organs, and causes the liver to release glucose. Caffeine also increases levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine.What is the benefit to intracellular caffeine? I don't know but considering it is unlikely it is probably nothing to worry about. Using tyrosine, an amino acid, as a transdermal transport agent? In vivo transdermal caffeine experimentation found the best results with a lipid agent. Simply put the fat based system worked best in the lab. The spray uses an amino acid, the building blocks of proteins. In my opinion, they probably chose tyrosine based on guesswork and because it sounds jazzy. Plus who would buy spray on fat. In any case there is no research so pure speculation. "Thus, our patent-pending technology opens up a whole new realm of possibilities when it comes to energizing as effectively as possible without all the drawbacks and side effects." Energizing, again there is no energy involved. I suppose you could call it feeling energized. Bringing this all together.
Personally I rather have a good coffee with skim milk. References: 1. Trauer S, Patzelt A, Otberg N, Knorr F, Rozycki C, Balizs G, Büttemeyer R, Linscheid M, Liebsch M, Lademann J. Permeation of topically applied caffeine through human skin â€" a comparison of invivo and in vitro data. Br J of Clin Pharmacol 68(2):181-186. 2. Int J Pharm.2011 Dec 12;421(1):34-44. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2011.09.014. Epub 2011 Sep 19.Investigation of microemulsion microstructures and their relationship totransdermalpermeation of model drugs: ketoprofen, lidocaine, andcaffeine. @Skeptoid Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit |