SKEPTOID BLOG:History of our "pale blue dot"August 4, 2013 Discovery has a nice photo series on our "pale blue dot", photos of our Earth taken from space. The series goes from the first suborbital photos of our Earth in 1946 (taken by a V2), to a double portrait with our big brother Saturn, taken just two weeks ago by Cassini.
Check it out here. The phrase "pale blue dot" of course refers to the iconic photograph taken by Voyager 1 in 1990, and was popularised by Carl Sagan in his 1994 book with the same title. Listen and watch the below video for a chilling exposé by Sagan on that little dot. Humiliating and uplifting and the same time. Enjoy. [embed][/embed] @Skeptoid Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit |