SKEPTOID BLOG:Minutes from the Annual Rothschild Family MeetingNovember 26, 2012 This has nothing at all to do with my continual attempts to use my last name as a way of getting free wine, artwork and membership in exclusive clubs. Nothing at all. Shame on you for even thinking such a thing. 277th Annual Rothschild Dynasty Meeting Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa, Cabazon, CA Day 1 9 AM - Continental Breakfast 10 AM - Opening Remarks - Meyer Amschel Rothschild XIII 11:30 AM - Session 1: Cooled Britannia: Controlling the British Money Supply in a Changing Economy, led by Lord Thislewick Rothschild 1 PM - Endangered Species Lunch 2:30 PM - Session 2: How to Start a War for Fun and Profit but Mostly Profit, led by General Nathan Bedford Rothschild, Vice-President, Colombian Junta 3:30 PM - Session 3: Purchasing a Politician: It's Easier Than You Think!, led by Senator Garfield Rothschild Garfield 5 PM - Cocktails and "Networking" 6 PM - Dine Arounds (Red Lobster, Black Angus, Chipotle) 8 PM - Informal Evening Session: How to Dispose of Unruly Underlings, led by Ernst Stavro Rothschild 9 PM - Ice Cream Social and Blood Sacrifice 11:30 PM - Young Rothschilds (60 and younger) "Club Night" Day 2 9 AM - Continental Breakfast 10 AM - Breakout Session: The Rothschild Dynasty in the 21st Century: Space, Gas and Space Gas. 11 AM - Session 4: Hashtag Billions: How to Consolidate Wealth through Social Media, led by Lord Twitter von Rothschild 12:30 PM - "Ethnic" Lunch 2 PM - Breakout Session: Waterloo 2.0: Finding the Next Great Battle Between Nations, and Rigging it For Our Own Purposes 3:30 - Break 4 PM - Session 5: Usury Your Illusion: Bank Fees, Interest Rates and Those Pesky Credit Unions 5 PM - Family Awards, Accomplishments, Milestones. Performance of SEASONS OF LOVE from the musical RENT by Rothschild Family Showband and Revue 6:30 PM - Dining On Your Own 8 PM - Poker Tournament! First Prize, Two-Year Term as President of Federal Reserve Bank 8 PM - Spa Night (ladies only, please) 10 PM - Secret Circle and Drum Dance Ritual (Please note, this is open to Rothschild blood relations only) Day 3 9 AM - Breakfast, Danish and Coffee 10 AM - Business Card Exchange 11 AM - Closing Remarks, given by Oldest Living Rothschild, Karl Theodor Maria Nikolaus Johann Jacob Philipp Franz Joseph Sylvester Freiherr von und zu Rothschild IV, 107 years young. 12 PM - Limousine Pickup for Return Journeys END @Skeptoid Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit |