SKEPTOID BLOG:Pacific Flyer lets me downMarch 20, 2012 Pacific Flyer magazine. Anyone who loves aviation should be. Pilots are a conservative bunch, and occasionally Pacific Flyer will veer toward anti-government conspiracy mongering; but I forgive them that since the info on classic planes, air shows, aviation news, and current events is the best available.
I am a fan of, and happy subscriber to,
But in their March 2012 issue, I had to write in about a particular article. It was a very positive review of a book, Area 51: An Uncensored History of America's Top Secret Military Base by Annie Jacobsen. I haven't read it, and don't intend to; you'll see why in a moment. Sadly, I came across the following in the review: The spacecraft that crashed at Roswell were actually flying saucers and they did have crews, she reports. But they didn't come from outer space; they came from Russia, built by a couple of Nazi brothers captured by the Russians at the end of the war.I was less fascinated by the "insight" than the reviewer.I will claim to have serviceable expertise on a number of points mentioned in Pacific Flyer's review; notably,Nazi UFOsand theRoswellincident (which never had any connection to Area 51). Iwrote the following letter to the editor: I had to do a double-take, and am still reeling, from your publication of a positive review of a book promoting Nazi UFOs and the "crash" at Roswell. This has no place in responsible aviation reporting.I'd hoped my letter might get printed. I doubt it will be, as I quickly received the following reply (in its entirety): Read the book; then you'll be qualified to criticize it.Wow. I left it there. Some battles are best left unfought. @Skeptoid Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit |