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Amber for Teething Update

by Martine O'Callaghan

December 31, 2012

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Donate The first post I wrote for Skeptoid was on the topic of amber teething beads - a pretty silly and potentially infant killing piece of woo. At that point, I had been in contact with the UK'sAdvertising Standards Authoritywho had upheld my complaint that:
“The suggestion that amber, when in contact with the skin, breaks down sufficiently that “healing oils” can be absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream in any appreciable amount is clearly a nonsense. Therefore, the claim that these amber necklaces can ” assist with alleviating pain and will provide assistance with restlessness, irritability and acidity.” is demonstrably false. Further, these items are not recommended for children under 36 months, an age by which, for the majority of children, the worst of teething is over. These products pose a significant choking, strangulation and even hanging risk to babies and toddlers made to wear them and should be banned outright.
The claims that “Recent scientific research has also proved that succinic acid has a very positive influence, it strengthens the body, improves immunity and the balance of acids,” is a lie. Indeed, some studies have shown that succinic acid actually inhibits the function of certain cells involved in immune responses.”
Though the site I complained about largely complied with the ASA's determination that amber teething beads be marketed on and "availability only" basis, they still made vague claims that amber teething beads "really work."Based on the fact that no mechanism proposed for their efficacy in relieving even the most trivial of teething issues could be substantiated, how, I wondered, could they "really work," and how, in any meaningful sense could they be described asteethingbeads? With these thoughts in mind, I shot off another complaint to the ASA. That, too, was upheld. A precedent has been set that amber beads/jewellery cannot be advertised as a teething product. If you spot any companies doing so in the UK please make a formal complaint to the ASA or drop me a line here and I'll get onto it. Happy New Year!


by Martine O'Callaghan

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